- Richland Elementary
- Welcome
Welcome to Mrs. Hunt's Honeybees KK-07!

Phone: 901.596.7740
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Brooke Hunt
Hello! My name is Brooke Hunt, and I am excited to be your child's Kindergarten teacher this year! This is my 24th year of teaching, and my 15th year at Richland! I graduated from Harding University with my Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood, Elementary Education, and Special Education. I also have my Master's Degree from Harding University in Early Childhood Special Education! I am a National Board Certified Teacher. I have two children, Griffin and Emily, and a little dog named Wally! My husband is a firefighter/EMT for the city of Bartlett! My happy place is at the lake, and I love spending time on the boat with my family.
We are going to have the best year! Thank you for partnering with me!
Important Announcements
Check the calendar for your snack/share day!
Reminder: No school Nov 8 & Nov 11!
Have a happy Fall Break! See you Monday, October 17!
Don't forget - makeup pics October 20!
Check the daily calendar for your snack day! We have 22 friends!
Don't forget Grandparents Day! Tuesday, September 13 @ 10:30!
Don't forget to check the calendar for your snack day!
Class Program May 3 @ 2! Don't forget to send your costume in!
Spring Break coming up! March 14-18
No school for students on February 21!
100 Days of School celebration - January 26!
Don't forget class & individual pictures on January 27!
Don't forget - testing in iReady & illuminate!
Sign-Up Genius sent for winter party info!
Data Night virtual link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3asMsCjKBe3nSz1hnc7hLtOghi0KK-KsJqhc0HsvVT9oA1%40thread.tacv2/1636487368523?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222b291c94-5eb0-44b7-89ea-4baf16ecc4a9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22abb50989-2c3f-4acb-8837-857c15cc46b0%22%7d
Welcome to our new KK-07 friends: Makhai, Dominic, & Karson!
Please be sure you are checking your Seesaw daily for important info from class!
Report cards now available in PowerSchool for the first 9 weeks!
Zoo Trip on Friday 10/29! Don't forget to bring your lunch in a plastic grocery sack!
Enjoy your fall break! Look in the BEE Binder to see snack days!
Snacks next week: Sevyn, Rhodes, Leen, Rukayya, Malak
Snack! Charlie, James, Darius, Lakelynn, Paisley!
Snack days: Laurel Frances, Brigett, Bentley, Calvin
Snack Helpers next week!
Phoenix, Keller, Shane & Saige!
Charlie, James, Darius, Paisley & Lakelynn! Please send (22) individually wrapped snacks!
Important Dates
There are no upcoming events to display.