Kingsbury High School

The Optional School for Global Health Studies

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KHS Announcements

  • 2024-25 Student Guide to Secondary Education

    The 2024-25 Student Guide to Secondary Education is a useful tool for students and parents to learn about MSCS course offerings, graduation requirements, and policies relevant to the high school program. As your students develop and update their four-year plans, this guide can help them make informed choices about their future plans.

  • MSCS Has a New Edulog Bus Transportation Parent Portal App

Kingsbury High School Welcome video

Dress Code



    KHS DRESS CODE 2023-2024 

    Proper attire and grooming are deemed important to scholastic and orderliness. The responsibility for the appearance of the students begins with the parents and the students themselves. Students’ clothing, make-up, and hairstyle should reflect neatness, cleanliness, and self-respect so that the school is a desirable place in which to promote learning and character development. 

    It is virtually impossible to formulate a set of regulations that adequately cover every detail of proper grooming. Violations of the Dress Code will be dealt with in accordance with the Shelby County Schools Code of Discipline. It will be treated as insubordination and will be handled as stated in the Code of Discipline of Shelby County Schools.  

    • Footwear is required and must be safe and appropriate for indoor and outdoor physical activityFlip flops, slides, CROCS, fuzzy slippers, and house shoes are NOT permitted.  Sandals  must have a strap around the back. 

    • Shirts, blouses, and dresses must have sleeves and must completely cover the abdomen, back, and shouldersShirts or tops must cover the waistband of pants, shorts, or skirts with no midriff visibleLow-cut blouses, shirts, or tops, or extremely tight tops, tube tops, or any top that exposes cleavage are prohibitedShirts, blouses, and tops must be no longer than wrist-length. Crop tops and off the shoulder shirts must not be worn. Muscle shirts and tank tops will not be acceptable even with a jacket or hoodie only. These items must be worn with a shirt covering them.   

    • Shorts should be walking shorts or Bermuda shorts. Students may wear   walking shorts or Bermuda shorts that are no shorter than four (4) inches above the knee. They should NOT be excessively tight or baggy. Athletic shorts are not permitted unless they are a part of an approved gym class or athletic class activity. 

    • Pants (no tights, leggings, spandex material bottom, etc.) must be worn at the waist,(no sagging) be an appropriate length, and be appropriately sized without  holes, rips or tears that reveal skin or undergarments. 


    • Head apparel (such as hoods, hats, bandanas, scarves, etc.) must NOT be worn inside the school building, except for religious or medical reasons (see Individual Exemptions from Certain Dress Code Requirements or from Standardized Dress/Uniforms). 

    • Skirts and dresses must be no shorter than four (4) inches above the knee. 

    • Clothing and accessories such as backpacks, patches, jewelry, and notebooks must not display (1) racial, ethnic, or gender and sexual slurs/symbols; (2) gang affiliations; (3) vulgar, subversive, or sexually suggestive language or images; nor promote inappropriate and/or illegal products such as alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. 

    • Prohibited items include: (1) large, long and/or heavy chains; (2) studded or chained accessories; (3) sunglasses, except for health purposes; (4) sleepwear, pajamas, slippers, and/or blankets; (5) skin-tight outer materials such as spandex or leggings. 

    • Clear backpacks are the only bags permitted to be carried.  


    • The principal or his/her designee has the discretion to make all decisions on their campus. The principal is responsible for developing and publishing any other rules and regulations concerning student attire at school or school-related activities.  


    *Repetitive violations of the KHS Dress Code will result in disciplinary actions. 

Bell Schedule

  • Kingsbury High School  

    23-24 Bell Schedule


    Monday and Wednesday  




    Time In   


    Time Out   




    1st period   


    7:15 a.m.   


    8:55 a.m.   


    1st period    


    3rd Period   


    9:00 a.m.   




    3rd Period   


    5th Period   


    10:35 a.m.   


    12:30 p.m.   


    5th Period   


    1st Lunch-10:50-11:20 

    2nd Lunch-11:25-11:55 

    3rd Lunch-12:00-12:30 




    7th period   


    12:35 p.m.   


    2:15 p.m.   


    7th period   


    Tuesday and Thursday  




    Time In   


    Time Out   




    2nd period   


    7:15 a.m.   


    8:55 a.m.   


    2nd period   


    4th Period   


    9:00 a.m.   




    4th Period   


    6th Period   


    10:35 a.m.   


    12:30 p.m.   


    6th Period   


    1st Lunch- 10:50-11:20 

    2nd Lunch-11:25-11:55 

    3rd Lunch-12:00-12:30 




    8th period   


    12:35 p.m.   


          2:15 p.m.   


        8th Period   







    Time In    


    Time Out    




    1st period 


    7:15 a.m. 


    8:00 a.m. 


    1st period 


    2nd Period 


    8:05 a.m. 


    8:45 a.m. 


    2nd Period 


    3rd Period 


    8:50 a.m. 


    9:30 a.m. 


    3rd Period 


    4th Period 


    9:35 a.m. 


    10:15 a.m. 


    4th Period 


    5th Period 


    10:20 a.m. 


    11:00 a.m. 


    5th Period 


    6th Period 


    11:05 a.m. 


    12:45 p.m. 


    6th Period 


    1st Lunch- 11:05-11:35 

    2nd Lunch-11:40-12:10 

    3rd Lunch-12:15-12:45 




    7th period 


    12:50 p.m. 


    1:30 p.m. 


    7th period 


    8th period 


    1:35 p.m. 


    2:15 p.m. 


    8th period