- William H. Brewster Elementary
- Curriculum
Curriculum and Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
The Curriculum & Instruction Department is committed to supporting high quality teaching and learning in all classrooms in Shelby County Schools. In order to support the mission and vision of our district, we work strategically and collaboratively to provide quality curricular resources and support. Through the use of these curricular resources and support, schools are able to ensure every student has the opportunity to engage in standards-aligned, relevant and impactful educational experiences that will prepare them to be college and career ready.
All curricular resources and support provided by the Curriculum & Instruction Department are anchored in the Shelby County Schools Instructional Framework, which serves as our district’s core foundation for high quality teaching and learning. The SCS Instructional Framework is one of the essential components that will help us meet the goals of Destination 2025, and ultimately ensure the vision and mission of our district are fulfilled.
We are committed to preparing well-rounded graduates who compete globally, because they persevere through challenges, think critically, advocate for and drive their own learning experiences, and collaborate effectively with diverse peers.
Every day, Shelby County School students will experience high levels of success with challenging content in our classrooms and show consistent academic growth and achievement each year.