rti2b header
  • Kirby High RTI2B Goals:

    • Increase time for academic instruction
    • Increase parent/student/staff satisfaction
    • Increase student achievement
    • Increase student attendance
    • Increase school climate
    • Decrease problem behaviors
    • Decrease staff turnover
    • Decrease bullying behaviors
    • Decrease office referrals, suspensions and expulsions


  • Response to Instruction and Intervention-Behavior (RTI2-B) is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) that offers a powerful, evidence-based approach for meeting the behavioral and social needs of students in Tennessee schools.                                    

    What does RTI2B look like at Kirby High?

    We have Kirby P.R.I.D.E.!

    P: Prepared 

    R: Responsible

    I: Integrity

    D: Digital Citizenship

    E: Excellence 

    RTI2B in Action: Behavior Matrix, Cougar Cash, Teaching Expectations, Discipline Flow Chart, RESET Room, CICO (Check-in/Check out) group-based intervention, Postive Action With Supports (P.A.W.S.), & mentors! 


rti2b matrix