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  • At Balmoral Ridgeway IB Elementary School, we promote the learning of the whole child.  We have the innovative passport to transform all scholars to think globally, but to take action locally. Our school is the elite destination, attracting principled scholars who are risk-takers, thinkers, and communicators. 


    • Fine Arts Programs
    • IB International Baccalaureate PYP Program
    • Enrichment Clubs: Boys II Men and Girls in Pearls
    • Student Leadership Organizations: Beta Club
    • Athletics
    • Garden Club
    • Inquiry Math and Science Night 
    • Field Trips
    • Annual IB 5th Grade Exhibition

Contact us


    Ms. Lanna Byrd

    International Baccalaureate and Optional School Coordinator


    Phone-(901) 416-2128

School Choice Information


    Balmoral Ridgeway accepts School Choice applications for kindergarten students only.

    First and second grade applicants must take the Optional Schools admittance tests scoring in the 70th percentile or above in reading and total mathematics and must have satisfactory skills and behaviors and achieve mastery in all academic and support subjects on the most recent kindergarten report card. 

    Second-fifth grade applications must have a B average or above in all academic subjects and satisfactory grades in special subjects.

    Third-fifth must score at or above the 70th percentile on school-based administration of the Illuminate-Fastbridge aReading and aMath assessments (2021-2022) and/or iReady Diagnostic Reading and Math assessments (2021-2022); or score at or above the 70th percentile on the total Reading/Reading Composite and Total Mathematics/Mathematics Composite of an acceptable nationally normed achievement test. Acceptable tests in person must be dated Spring 2021 or later.

    All applicants must have satisfactory conduct and attendance, including promptness to school ,with no more than 15 absences, tardies, and/or early dismissal for the year. To remain in the Optional program, a student must maintain the entrance requirements for grades, conduct, skills and behaviors, academic and support subjects and attendance.