

    To build a learning community that fosters academic excellence and service through collaboration, accountability, respect, and kindness to establish the tradition of lifelong learning and develop responsible, global citizens. 



    With overall wellness as our highest priority, our vision is: 

    • To serve the community by providing a safe environment that promotes learning, growth, and leadership 
    • To collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure student academic success and well-being that is equitable; 
    • To respect each other, our individual / collective cultures, and shared legacy of Manassas; 
    • To maintain accountability, students and teachers take ownership of the learning by upholding high expectations for all; 
    • To achieve academic excellence, we commit to standards based instruction. 


    We Are on a Winning STREAK! 

    S – Service 

    T – Teamwork 

    R – Respect 

    E – Equity 

    A – Accountability 

    K – Kindness