- Havenview Middle
- ESEA / Title

Title One Annual Meeting Presentation
What is Title I ?
Title 1 is the largest federally funded educational program. The program provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with a percentage of students that receive free and reduced lunch to meet school's educational goals. As a result, the school receives additional personal, instructional equipment, and programs to ensure academic excellence.
Havenview Annual School Plan
Family Engagement Plan 2024-2025
HMS Title I Compact 2024-2025 (English, Spanish, Arabic, and French)
Parent's Right to Know
Education of Homeless Children - Information for Parents
Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth/Foster Care
The SCS Homeless Education Program is designed to facilitate the enrollment, attendance and success of children and youth experiencing Homelessness. Specifically, this program ensures immediate enrollment for students in grades Pre-K-12 who are experiencing homelessness and collaborates with schools, parents, caregivers and community agencies to ensure students have transportation to and from school, school supplies and materials, uniforms, and other supports that eliminate barriers to learning and access to public education. McKinney-Vento Subgrant and Title I, Part A, funds are provided to assist the district in meeting the needs of children and youth participating in the SCS Homeless Education Program. (MSCS S.E.E.D.Website)
Education of Homeless Children - Information for Parents (English)
Educación de Niños sin Hogar - Información para Padres
For assistance or questions about Title I or other Federal Programs, please contact:
Calandra Jones-Howard, Ed.S.
PLC CoachHavenview Middle School
Office: 901-416-1929
Do you have any recommendations and comments on Havenview's School Improvement Plan, Family Engagement Plan, School Compact, or other opportunity for Parent Engagement? If so, please share your suggestions.
Click Here https://forms.office.com/r/Sd1g36iBKjOr Scan the QR Code