- Central High School
- Amy Epps, Executive Principal
To Central High School Parents and Guardians:
I am happy to welcome you to The Central High School. I know you value your child’s education and plan to be an active part of that education process.
I am extremely thrilled to be the principal of such a strong school community. At this point in your child’s high school career, discussion should be taking place as to what avenues he or she plans to take after high school. Resources are available in the foyer of pupil services to assist you and your child with the discussion about the variety of avenues; such as, four and/or two year colleges, military, or trade schools. In today’s world most careers require some type of schooling past high school. Therefore, it’s very important that you stress to your child the value of education.
I am available at any time to discuss this process in greater detail. I may be reached at 901.416.8414 or by email at eppsam@scsk12.org.
Amy Epps901-416-4500 School phone
901-416-4506 fax
Degrees and Certifications: