- Wooddale High
- Wooddale High School Library Media Center

School library resources are highly valued and shared not only within the school, but also throughout the school district. As such, the Wooddale High School Library asks that all students, faculty and families enter into the spirit of community sharing and cooperation when it comes to the use and return of library items.
When borrowing an item from a school library, the borrower agrees to take responsibility for the care and return of that item as it is school property. If an item is lost or stolen, the borrower (and/or their parent/guardian if a student) must pay the replacement cost. If the item is damaged beyond normal wear, the borrower (and/or their parent/guardian of a student) must pay the costs for repair or replacement. In addition, the borrower agrees to abide by the school library’s rules and procedures as stated in this document. Violation of these rules and procedures can result in the school district seeking reimbursement for costs or other damages incurred as a result of loss or damage to loaned items, including without limitation, the costs for repair or replacement of loaned items and / or disciplinary action.Library Rules
- The library is open from 7:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. each school day. Additional library time may be scheduled in advance by appointment.
- The library is available for after-school meetings and tutoring from 3:00-5:15p.m.
- Students must have a Cardinal Library Pass from a credit-course teacher to visit the library at any time during the school day unless they are with a class and accompanied by a teacher. Students must sign in at the circulation desk. A library staff member must acknowledge a student’s pass.
- All library materials must be properly checked out before leaving the library. Theft or willful damage of library property will be referred to the administration for disciplinary action.
- Students are responsible for library materials checked out. The replacement cost of the book will be charged for a lost or damaged book.
- Students are expected to use the library, its resources, and computers for school assignments and educational purposes only. Students are expected to obey the MSCS Acceptable Use Policy at all times when using the Internet. Students’ school Internet accounts are to be used for school assignments only. Failure to use the library, its resources, and the Internet responsibly may result in referral to the administration. Failure to comply with the MSCS Acceptable Use Policy may result in the loss of the student’s school Internet account.
- The use of earbuds for listening devices are prohibited in the library unless approved by a librarian.
- Cell phone are allowed in library.
- Students are not allowed to eat or drink in the library unless approved by the librarian.
- Students who do not behave appropriately may respectfully asked to return to their regular class.
- Students are to bring CLEAR book bags into the main room of the library. Students are responsible for their own property. The library staff is not responsible for book bags or their contents.
The ABC’s of Borrowing Items- All items borrowed from the school library must be checked out using the online check-out system.
- Taking an item from a school library without first checking it out is in violation of these procedures. Additionally, it is a violation of the MSCS Wooddale High School Handbook to cause damage to or steal school property or to attempt to cause damage to or attempt to steal school property. The school administrator will be alerted regarding anyone who removes an item without permission from the library.
- Students may check out a maximum of 3 books at a time. The loan period for nonfiction books is one week. Fiction books may be checked out for three weeks. Library books may be renewed. A fine of .10¢ per day will be charged for each overdue library book. Overdue fine notices will be distributed to students.
- Reference books may not be checked out.
- Reserve books or overnight books (one book per student) may be checked out one night only. It must be returned before the tardy bell for 1st period the next school day. There will be a fine of $1.00 for each class period that it is overdue.
- All WHS students and faculty are allowed to check-out library materials for 14 days .
- Parents and guardians of CPS students are welcomed and encouraged to borrow items from the school libraries for 7 days for all materials.
- Some curriculum and audio-visual materials and equipment have shorter loan periods and/or may not be loaned. Please see a librarian for specific loan periods applicable to these items.
- All items that are loaned may be renewed twice before they must be returned unless a shorter loan period applies as detailed above. Renewals also may be limited if other borrowers are waiting for an item.
- All borrowers may request extended loans, summer loans, and extra renewals for items necessary to complete coursework.
- Inter-library loan requests from other schools within the school district may be restricted by the needs of the school library that holds the item. The decision to loan and the length of the loan depends on the needs and policies of the school library that holds the item.
- A student who has outstanding library obligations, i.e., overdue books and or unpaid fines, may not check out library materials or renew books.
- School librarians reserve the right to refuse checking-out or renewing a library item to any borrower based on the borrower’s account
- Returning Items
- All items are to be returned on or before the due date.
- Items should be returned in the same condition as they were in when they were borrowed. At the same time, we understand that general wear and tear is expected and the borrower will not be penalized.
- Please alert the school librarian when damage occurs. Many books can be repaired to a “like new” condition if the damage is caught early.
- Malicious damage, gross carelessness, or defacing of a library item is unacceptable and is a violation of the MSCS Wooddale High School Handbook to cause damage to or steal school property or to attempt to cause damage to or attempt to steal school property.
- School library items should not be returned to the Shelby County Public Libraries.
- Students leaving the school district, transferring to other schools within the school district, and students graduating from 5th, 8th and 12th grades are expected to return all items to the school libraries before their last day.
- Overdue Notices and Lost Items
- Library overdue notices are generated once a month, at the beginning of each month, and are delivered to students’ class or homeroom.
- Materials that are overdue for 90 days or more are considered “Lost” and a bill is generated. The bill is for the current cost to replace the item.
- Arrangements can be made with a librarian to provide a “like new” replacement or to perform community service in lieu of payment. The librarian reserves the right to reject a replacement that is not in good condition or not identical to the lost item.
- If a loaned item is not returned, is returned in a damaged condition or the costs for such loss or damage to loaned items is not provided to the school librarian 120 days after the due date, the school librarian will notify the principal of the school. The principal of the school will notify the student borrower and his/her parents/guardians, in writing, that the request for return of the item or reimbursement for loss or damage to the item must be provided. Such written notice will provide the student borrower and his/her parents/guardians with the opportunity to remedy the situation before any penalty is imposed if the situation is not remedied. For students, penalties may include prohibiting the student from attending certain school activities not related to the instructional program and/or discipline in accordance with the provisions MSCS Wooddale High School Handbook to cause damage to or steal school property or to attempt to cause damage to or attempt to steal school property, if applicable. If the loaned item is not returned and/or the costs for repair or replacement of the item are not paid, the school library will submit the file to the Chief Operating Officer for forwarding to the Office of Legal Counsel and Office of the City Solicitor for collection.
- Student borrowers and their parents/guardians who claim “hardship” or improper assessment of damages (e.g., the loss or damage was not the result of the borrower’s negligence, proof that payment already made, etc.) may file a written appeal to the school principal within five (5) days of principal’s written notice of imposition of the penalty. The principal will review the appeal and issue a written decision on the appeal.
How to Check Out A Book
- Sign in to Library online.
- Present Pass to Librarian
- Request to check out a book.
- Take a Book Marker
- Stroll our shelves to look for a book of your choice
- Bring the book(s) to the checkout counter
- Librarian will ask for your library card or name
- Give the librarian your information
- The Librarian will= scan your library card or pull up you name in the system.
- The librarian will scan your book(s)
- Book Rules: Do not have any food or drinks around your book. Do not let anyone borrow your book. Do not Bend or fold pages. Report any all damages as soon as possible. Return books by due date.
- Once you have heard the book rules the librarian will give you your due dates. Receipts are by request only.
- You may take you books Read and enjoy.
How To Check In A Book
- Simply place book in Book Drop off
- Or you may bring it to the circulation desk ask for "Book Check In"
- If your book is overdue please settle fine at that time.
- A Check-In Receipt can be printed and stamp or emailed to you.
Note: Any questions and concerns regarding overdue notices and lost item bills should be directed to a school librarian.